PhD Candidate at the University of Queensland
BInfTech Of UQ / Ing. en Infomática
Designer / Diseñador
Developer / Programador
SCRUM Master/ Facilitador de Proyectos
Researcher / Investigador
I'm Home (LDR) Long Distance Relationship Device
I'm Home (LDR) Long Distance Relationship Device
Subtle Ring
Subtle Ring
L- Player and Lindenmayer systems with QAAFI
L- Player and Lindenmayer systems with QAAFI
Some of the projects I had part taken.
Some of the projects I had part taken.
Its always been a pleasure to work within a team of programmers, designer and researchers. But I also can work on my own as my skills had allowed me to have a robust set of problem solving to achieve my objectives.
Currently working on my Phd on the field of education. Also the head of the upcoming research congregation and academic journal OPUSMUNDI